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Easy Tips For Effective Asthma Monitoring
There are several easy to use strategies that can increase the effectiveness of any asthma treatment plan. Although your symptoms may be well managed by medications, it is important to remember that the more pro-active you are in managing your asthma, the more you will find that your symptoms are under control. Following these guidelines will give you the tools you need to live a healthier and more active life.
Developing an asthma action plan is one of the most important things you can do to live a happy healthy life even though you have asthma. An action plan should include all your important medical information that would be needed in case of a severe attack requiring emergency intervention. It should include a list of asthma triggers, the name a dosage of daily medications and the name and dosage of rescue medication, as well as emergency telephone numbers. Your plan will include a description of your asthma zones and the action to be taken for each zone. Gathering this information together and making sure it is readily available is much easier if you make it a part of a daily asthma diary.
An asthma diary is used to record all of your daily observations, possible triggers, PEF readings and a description of your asthma zones. Total honesty in recording your symptoms, no matter how small, is very important.
There are many sample asthma diary forms available online or you can design a chart that works for you. These forms can be organized neatly in an attractive folder system or in a loose leaf binder. Include a copy of your action plan at the beginning of your diary. The most important thing is to make sure to use this diary every day to get a more complete picture of how effective your treatment plan really is for your needs. Try to choose a format that is easily carried, so that you can take your diary with you. Another option is to have a portable diary and then transfer any information to your main one at the end of the day.
A record of peak expiratory flow, or PEF, readings in a key component your asthma diary. Measure your PEFs before you take any asthma medication. Compare your reading with your asthma zones. When you find that your reading is less than 80% of your recorded best reading, be prepared to take the appropriate action in your action plan.
Once you have been keeping your asthma diary for a while, it is important to evaluate the information you have gathered. Ask yourself about any changes in symptoms or increase in attacks and try to pinpoint the reasons.
Always take your asthma diary to your doctor visits and discuss any changes or problems that you have observed. Your doctor can review your medications and make necessary adjustment with the help of the valuable information you have gathered.
Being an active part of your asthma treatment is the best way to make sure that your asthma is well controlled, leaving you with as many symptom free days as possible. Trying some of the sensible tips in the article above is a good way to get started today.
Manage Your Asthma Effectively
Receiving an asthma diagnosis can make you feel miserable because you have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. However, by following the advice below and staying on top of your condition, it is entirely possible to manage your asthma effectively.
First, it is important to learn how to identify the things and situations that can trigger your asthma symptoms. Your asthma can be aggravated by intense cardiovascular exertion. If so, take greater care when engaging in exercise. Perhaps animal dander is your primary trigger. If this is the case, try to avoid spending time in environments where pets are known to live. By proactively managing your activities in this way, preventing exposure to asthma triggers is easier than you may have initially thought.
You should learn how inhalers work and how they can be used most effectively. Familiarity with inhalers may come through personal experience combined with information from your physician. Regardless of how it is acquired, knowledge about the proper way to utilize an asthma inhaler is critical to effective management of symptoms of the condition.
Do not hesitate to work together with your doctor to develop an appropriate symptom management strategy for your needs. Everyone is different, so it is important to discuss a customized plan for handling symptoms and circumstances that may trigger attacks.
Always be prepared for emergency situations brought on by an asthma attack. The onset of severe asthma symptoms can be an incredibly frightening turn of events, and it is important for you and your loved ones to know how to handle such situations. Inhalers should always be close at hand, and you should train yourself to recognize when professional assistance is needed so that you can get to the hospital in a timely fashion in the event of a serious attack.
Finally, you should not allow asthma to take control of your life. While there is no doubt that asthma is a serious condition that can pose real challenges, you do not need to surrender your hopes of getting your healthy life. By taking the time to learn about the condition and adopt some smart techniques for managing it, you can live a fulfilling, active life.
Asthma can be a dangerous condition that requires targeted treatment with medications. Fortunately, by taking control of your situation, it is possible to lead a normal life. Follow the tips above, and you will have the tools you need to keep asthma from hindering your enjoyment.
Those simple tips above are very helpful for you to manage your asthma. Come to this site if you want to know how to use home remedies for asthma effectively. Read this article before you visit your allergy doctor to solve your asthma problem.
What Is Asthma and How to Find Relief
Over 50 years ago my stay at home mom took my brother, sister, and myself to the grocery store. We lived in a town of 450 people and it hasn't grown since. Back then it was okay for mom to leave us alone in the car and expect us to have behaved while she was inside. Dad was at work which didn't matter because mom wouldn't rat on us for misbehaving because she would take care of the problem on the spot. One day the scene was as described and with me being the oldest and my sister next we were laughing pretty hard at the antics of our little brother who was about two years old. We thought he was putting on a pretty good show. As it turned out he was having convulsions from an asthma attack. It scared the water out of mom when she came out and discovered what we were laughing so hard about. Her fear apparently made an impression on me too since I haven't forgotten it.
Today, there are no known cures for asthma, a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways that causes recurring outbreaks of wheezing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath and coughing. Generally the coughing most often occurs during the night or early in the morning because of inflamed swollen and sensitive airways. Swollen or narrow airways may make more mucus that further narrows the breathing airways. They tend to react strongly to certain inhaled substances.
Some symptoms of asthma are mild enough they go away on their own or with minimal treatment. I already described the attacks that are not pretty and can be fatal if not treated. As mentioned asthma has no known cure. The person with the disease can feel fine but they still have it and asthma can flare up at any time. There are treatments that allow people to manage their disease so a more normal, active life and getting a good night's sleep is possible.
The statistics show that asthma can affect people of all ages, but mostly starts during childhood. More than 22 million people in the U.S. are known to have asthma with almost 6 million being children with boys having the disease more than girls.
What Causes Asthma?
No one knows the exact cause of asthma but some researchers link it genetically and environmentally. The Childhood Asthma Reduction Study (CARES) has an inner city program to get rid of cockroaches because their evidence shows allergens from cockroaches are risk factors for asthma. Contrary to the cockroach theory some researchers theorize that in the U.S. the emphasis on hygiene and sanitation shows a decline in asthma in children due to environmental exposures. Researchers continue to look for causes. Some risk factors are allergies but not all who suffer asthma have allergies, eczema or heredity. There are occupational risks with dust or chemicals in the work place. Inside some steel mills and foundries the dust level could be a contributing factor along with birds such as pigeons roosting inside the buildings.
How to Recognize the Signs and Symptoms
There are some common signs and symptoms to watch for:
Coughing - Asthma often is worse at night or early in the morning.Wheezing when you breathe.Chest tightness.Shortness of breath or feeling out of breath unable to get air out of the lungs.Then there are some people that do not have these symptoms with asthma and some showing these symptoms doesn't mean you have it either. A lung function test and physical exam is the only way to determine for sure if it asthma is present.
Asthma symptoms may be mild enough to be an annoyance to limiting chores to severe forms that can be fatal..
What Causes Asthma Symptoms?
You can lessen asthma symptoms by being aware of things that may trigger it such as:
The known allergens from cockroaches, pollens, dust and animal fur.Anything that irritates the lungs, cleaners, perfumes or sprays, smoke, smog or air pollution, dust or chemicals where you work.Even the supposedly heart healthy aspirin and some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Additives in food and drinks like sulfites.Viral upper respiratory infections. Colds and flu.Exercise, working in the yard and trying to get some physical activity can trigger it but is not to be avoided as it is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.What affects one person may not affect another.
Diagnosing asthma
There is a very long list of things to check that only a doctor can do to properly diagnose asthma. He will look at your medical and family history, a physical exam, and get test results to figure the severity and determine what treatment is necessary. Some asthma attacks only occur during certain times of the year, in certain places or if it's worse at night. He will also check for other conditions that make managing asthma more difficult.
The goal of an asthma treatment and action plan is to control the disease to prevent coughing and other symptoms reducing the need for medicines and help maintain good lung function. The action plan provides guidance on medicines, avoiding triggers and tracking the asthma.
An asthma action plan gives guidance on taking your medicines properly, avoiding asthma triggers (except physical activity), tracking your level of asthma control, responding to worsening asthma, and seeking emergency care when needed.
As in the diagnosis of asthma there is a long list of medicines to try from pills to inhalers, long-term (inhaled corticosteroids) to quick relief medicines that are designed to prevent symptoms or reduce inflammation in the airways. The doctor will also discuss benefits as well as risks or side effects of certain medications. Thrush is a mouth infection and common side effect from inhaled corticosteroids. Quick relief inhalers do not reduce inflammation.
Getting the asthma under control is the main concern when beginning treatments and the doctor will want regular visits every 2 to 6 weeks at first until controlled changing the visit to once a month or semi-annual. The goal is to reduce medication too requiring the person with asthma to take an active role in helping control the disease by following the action plan set by the doctor while watching for signs that it may be worsening.
There are many aromatherapy and essential oils that may be helpful in breathing and can be found on the link on the website. Among several is Cajeput Essential Oil and it's benefits include: Arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds, coughs, cystitis, flu, insect bites, muscular aches and pains, oily skin, sinusitis, sore throat, urinary infection, viral infections. Cajeput can be used similar to eucalyptus during the cold season. Add it to a diffuser to disinfect the air, and clear congestion.
Jeff Bush
Bush Promotions & Printing
Twitter @BushPromotions
How to Plan for Your Next Asthma Check-Up
Asthmatics need to visit the doctor regularly for check-ups. Because there is no cure for this chronic inflammatory disorder, sufferers need to put extra effort in preventing it by seeking regular medical help. The treatment process requires you to become proactive and disciplined, and here are some ways in which you can effectively plan your next visit.
Prepare questions.
If this is your first time to consult the doctor regarding asthma, what you need to do is ask all the questions you have in mind. The best way to deal with this is to have a notebook that records all your experiences and things that you want to know more about. For instance, if you notice that you or your loved one reacts strangely to household allergens like pets, pests, and dust; notice frequent bacterial or viral infections; or experience bad reactions to certain foods--you must list them all down and tell the doctor each and every detail you can remember. Asking questions will not only enlighten you, but will also provide your doctor information on how to treat you. Because not all asthma conditions are the same, your doctor will need to find out what kind of control will work best. Once your doctor has given you all the necessary instructions, you must also ask details on why you need to do them--this will allow you to be more aware of the condition.
Make a list of your medications.
The doctor deals with many patients with different conditions, so help out by providing a list of medications that you're taking. This will make the consultation go faster, and your doctor will immediately know which meds will work best on you. You will be given an asthma management plan upon consultation, and you will be constantly updating this as you move forward.
Ask a friend/family member to go to the doctor with you.
Having an extra pair of ears will allow you to not overlook anything that the doctor tells you. Ask someone to do the visit with you, and also give them the task of listening to the doctor's instructions. Having someone go through all of this will allow you to be optimistic about your condition. This is something that is overlooked by many, but moral support serves a great tool in making asthma sufferers (especially kids) feel better. There are several asthma support groups available for adults, but having simple, casual will already help a lot.
Have the doctor demonstrate how to take your medication.
You will most likely be given inhalers for controlling your asthma, and you need to learn how to use them. Especially for kids, there is a need to know how to effectively use an inhaler--you need to make sure that the medicine reaches the airways properly.
Following these pieces of advice will allow you to manage asthma better. By cooperating with your doctor, you will be able to control and easily make changes to improve asthma and allow you to still be able to perform regular activities.
Find out more at - You can discover lots of info about the factors and forms of Asthma, and also the normal warning signs and their own unique treatment solution.
Family Mealtime and Asthma
How much time do you spend at the dinner table with your kids every week? Not much? You may want to reconsider your current habits, because a recent study clearly suggests that the quantity and quality of the time you spend with your children during mealtimes can have a profound effect on their overall health. These formative years are often some of the most important in their physical development, so ensuring a healthy lifestyle from an early date is very important. In fact, your child's life may depend on it!
The researchers involved in the study thoroughly evaluated 200 mealtimes and assessed their measurable effects on the health of children aged between 5 and 12 years. Unfortunately, these children were suffering from persistent asthmatic symptoms on a regular basis, requiring them to maintain a fairly regular schedule and avoid various types of harmful allergens (substances that can unexpectedly trigger a serious asthma attack). This consistency apparently carried over into mealtime activities as well.
The authors noted that on average, 70% of the children and adolescents participating in the study share their meal with an adult three or more times in a given week. Although the total interactions time during these meals only averaged about 18 minutes in length, it did have quite a significant effect on the health of the child. This suggests that even small amounts of time spent with your child a few times a week can make quite a difference.
It was noted that quality time spent during meals with the affected child (quality time meaning being engaged with each other and discussing daily events while eating food), was associated with the decreased severity of harmful asthma symptoms. On the contrary, in families that were busy over the phone or watching television while having their food, the severity of asthma symptoms was markedly higher.
The authors of the study suggested that showing a positive interest in the child's activities at home or at school definitely had a constructive effect on the child's mind and hence his/her health. Mealtimes provide an excellent setting in which to communicate with your child and ensure his or her positive growth and development in life. This can also carry over into later years.
So the next time you sit down to eat with your child, make sure that the television or any other electronic device that may affect conversations are off and have a quality mealtime together!
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Raising Children With Asthma
Parents who have children with asthma will want to know as much about the condition as possible. In fact, there are certain risk factors that may lead to youngsters developing asthma, and parents should be aware of these. When they can spot some of the risk factors and perhaps even obtain an early diagnosis, they will be able to help their children manage the condition and live quite normal lives as they grow older. Many asthmatic children, in fact, with the right precautions, participate in strenuous sports at their local middle and high schools.
If a child is born to a family with a history of allergies, or develops allergies him/herself, then he/she may go on to develop asthma. Tobacco smoke can also be a contributing factor. Children who have trouble breathing during physical activity, or who wheeze quite violently when they play with other kids, may have asthma. Other symptoms may include frequent tiredness after exercise or even headaches that crop up and fade away without warning. Children who lose their appetites may also have asthma. When many of these conditions occur together, a respiratory specialist should be seen.
Inhalers that are filled with carefully prescribed medications can be dispensed to certain children with the condition. If they feel an asthma attack coming on, they can simply take a few puffs on the inhaler, which should help to open up the breathing passageways and get them feeling much better. Young boys and girls who are part of the track team, for instance, should let their coaches know of the condition. The coaches can keep an eye on them and can get their inhaler to them if they happen to need it.
Lung doctors can examine children who are suspected to be asthmatic and can quickly make a professional determination on the case. They will have access to a series of tests that can be used to find out what is going on. Once the diagnosis has been made, a plan of action can be developed. Children, even if they are young, should be briefed on their condition so that they have a decent understanding of how to handle the symptoms. They should also be instructed to inform their parents if the symptoms themselves get worse.
Ultimately, children with asthma can be treated much like other kids. They will have to manage the asthma with an eye toward detail, but should not miss out on any of the wonders of childhood as a result. With the help of their parents and doctors, they can get the medication they need and go on to live their lives in whatever manner they please.
The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).
Author writes about a variety of topics. If you would like to learn more about children with asthma and/or locate asthma articles, visit
Childhood Asthma - How To Use Air Humidifiers To Soothe Your Child's Wheezing
During the last 15 years, there has been an alarming 160% increase in the rate of asthma in children under the age of five. Sadly many of these children could have been prevented from ever developing asthma. If asthma is confirmed for your young one, you need to educate yourself on treating and managing this chronic disease. According to the experts knowledge is the best prescription.
Asthma occurs when the bronchial tubes become inflamed, creating extra mucus and causing airways to narrow. The end result could range from a frequent tendency to cough to minor wheezing to severe difficulty breathing.
It's a well-known fact that asthma symptoms are set off or triggered by certain environmental substances. For unknown reasons, your child's body "sees" these triggers as threats, even though most kids are not bothered by them. The lungs typically overreact by triggering an asthma attack.
Air humidifiers are an excellent way to add humidity to your home and hopefully relax the stressed-out bronchial tubes of the lungs. Sometimes it is the cold, dry air that agitates the lungs and causes them to constrict and narrow. You can improve this condition by making small changes to your home environment.
If you add warm, humidified air, this may relax the lungs and allow more air in. These easy steps can add humidity to your home without adding more stress to your life:
Step 1: Determine the humidity in your home. Prior to choosing any humidifier, try to select one that will suit your home. If you are not sure that you really need a humidifier, you may want to measure the humidity level in your home with a hygrometer. It is inexpensive and easy to operate. Once you have a humidity level that you are comfortable with, the humidistat feature in the humidifier can help you to keep a constant level of humidity at home.
Step 2: You should measure the area. Whether you choose a warm mist humidifier or cool mist humidifier, look for a model that fits the room. A humidifier that is too large will produce too much moisture and one that is too small will not do the right job. Too much humidity will cause more bacteria to grow and this will lead to additional problems.
Step 3: Find a model that is resistant to bacterial growth. Bacteria are nasty little creatures that like to live where there is moisture. You can make sure that they won't grow in your humidifier by choosing one that is resistant to the growth of mold and bacteria. Your other choice is to clean it on a regular basis.
Step 4: Look for a quiet model. Humidifiers can be quite noisy when they are in use. Cool mist humidifiers have a fan that is constantly going and warm mist humidifiers tend to make a bubbling noise. When it comes to noise level, your best option is to look for a model that has a 'silent' feature.
Step 5: Check for ease of use. When shopping for an air humidifier, you should check each model to see if it is easy to use and easy to refill. The better air humidifiers operate longer on one filling and won't interrupt your daily activities. Models with the reservoir capacity of one litres to five gallons are easier to use and keep the humidity for a longer time.
The first and most important step is to take charge of your child's asthma. Parents of asthmatic children suffer a range of contradictory feelings. It is natural for them to be concerned about medications and look for alternative treatments. While an air humidifier cannot medically treat asthma attacks, it can provide a warm, moist environment so that your little one can sleep at night.
Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. She has personally been affected with this chronic respiratory problem and wishes to help others. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to properly manage this illness.
Information About Asthma, Including Asthma Causes and Treatments
Asthma is an inflammation of the respiratory system, which includes the trachea, bronchi and lungs. The symptoms of asthma are highly variable, but it is generally characterized by the obstruction of airflow through the respiratory system. Asthma is extremely common and affects a significant percentage of the world population. There are many possible causes of asthma, but the general treatment for all forms of asthma is inhaling a corticosteroid.
Asthma has a wide range of severity, so its diagnosis must include a clinical classification. Asthma cases have specific severity classifications, including intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent and severe persistent. The criteria that physicians use to classify asthma cases include the total frequency of symptoms and the frequency of nighttime symptoms. They also consider the volume of air that the patient expire in one second, known medically as the FEV1. The variability of the FEV1 is another factor in this classification. Physicians also take the frequency of inhalant use into account when classifying asthma.
The frequency of asthma has been increasing since the 1970s, affecting at least seven percent of the world population as of 2010. Developed countries have a much higher prevalence of this condition than the underdeveloped parts of the world. Asthma UK sufferers number about 5.2 million, or about 20 percent of the population. Areas such as Eastern Europe, Ethiopia, India and Indonesia have an asthma prevalence rate of less than three percent.
The causes of asthma include genetic and environmental factors. The greatest risk factor for asthma is atopic disease, which is a hypersensitivity to various allergens. A history of atopic disease more than triples a person's risk of developing asthma. Researchers believe the greater exposure to indoor allergens such as dust mites is an important reason for the greater prevalence of asthma in developed countries. Other causes of asthma include obesity and less common conditions such as Churg-Strauss syndrome, uticaria and periocular xanthogranulomas.
The most common symptoms of asthma include the following:
Chest tightnessCoughingShortness of breathWheezing
Many conditions make these symptoms worse such as cold, exercise and sleeping. Some asthma sufferers experience chronic symptoms, while others experience acute attacks in response to a specific trigger. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a condition present in 80 percent of people with asthma. GERD is a condition in which acid from the stomach enters the esophagus. Researchers believe this symptom of asthma is caused by anti-asthma drugs and changes in pressure within the thoracic cavity.
The medical treatments for asthma are generally divided in those that relieve acute attacks and those that relieve chronic symptoms. A short-acting beta2-adrenoceptor agonist like salbutamol is the most common treatment for acute asthma attacks. An anticholinergic drug such as ipratropium bromide is a common alternative in cases where the patient cannot tolerate SABAs. The standard treatment for chronic asthma is a glucocorticoid like budesonide. Severe cases of chronic asthma may the patient to take glucocorticoids orally, instead of inhaling them. is your number 1 blog to find out more about budesonide and other related drugs. also provides information on asthma, heart disease, high cholesterol and other medical conditions.
Adenoids Surgery Not Always Effective
There was a time in the United States when doctors would remove tonsils and adenoids from young children simply as a matter of course so that they did not cause problems later on. Then, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as awareness of unnecessary surgeries grew and the medical profession came under increasing scrutiny, these surgeries tapered off and became all but unheard of except in the most extreme circumstances and after proving substantial medical necessity.
Recently, however, the incidence of both tonsillectomies and surgery for the removal of adenoids has been on the rise yet again. Doctors are suggesting to parents with children as young as three that their adenoids need to come out. The reasons given for surgery of the adenoids are usually because of sleep apnea or breathing difficulties. According to doctors, if the adenoid becomes too large it will partially block a child's breathing during sleep. Doctors will also remove adenoids because of frequent ear infections.
One thing, however, that many surgeons do not tell parents is that all of the adenoids cannot be removed with the surgery. Adenoid tissue will still remain, and it is not uncommon for the adenoid to regenerate and "grow back." When this occurs, symptoms also return.
Every surgery has risks. The most common risks involve complications with or reactions to anesthesia. Other risks involve excessive bleeding during the surgery or clotting issues following the surgery. And, of course, with any surgery the risk of infection is always present. When faced with a surgery, most patients weigh the benefits received from the surgery against the likelihood and severity of possible risks. And many rely upon what doctors tell them to make a decision.
The removal of adenoids is questionable, at best, and it is doubtful as to whether the benefits outweigh the risks of surgery, especially for a small child. Additionally, surgery should only be seen as a last course of action when all other options have been tried and have failed. Furthermore, every parent should remember that though breathing difficulties can be troubling and make a parent feel as though they should do "something," the tissues that make up the adenoids will begin to regress in size during adolescence. Some of the reasons why doctors suggest that adenoids be removed such as recurrent ear infections also abate with age.
Rather than subjecting a young child to the trauma and possible risks of unnecessary surgery, parents might want to consider investigating treatments for adenoids without surgery. Surgery to remove the adenoids would seem a drastic step when so many other options are available.
When you improve breathing, you improve your total health and reduce or eliminate the need for adenoids surgery. The Buteyko Center offers a free breathing test online and a free Buteyko Health Evaluation report with our recommendations. The test will help you determine whether you hyperventilate or not, and if so to what degree, and how that may be affecting the quality of your sleep, as well as recommendations for improvement.
Dust Mite Allergy - Causes And Cures
Have you ever experienced sneeze or cough while cleaning the house, or your kids usually sneeze and have red watery eyes? Well it can be because you are allergic to the dust around you. There can be many allergens in this dust like human dander, animal dander, waste of cockroaches and other insects. When any of these allergens comes in contact with the body, it causes the immune system to develop an allergic reaction in persons who are allergic to it.
When you inappropriately react to these allergens, you are having an allergic reaction and can be referred to as allergic or atopic. Therefore, people who are prone to allergies are said to be allergic or "atopic." Most of us never experience such allergy, but in some it is quite severe.
Most common allergy caused in home is the dust mite allergy which is caused by a microscopic organism that lives in dust and can be found in almost all the houses and workplaces. They can be anywhere around you. You must have seen that your mattresses and unused clothes become heavy in course of time. This is because of dust and organisms living in it.
These mites thrive in summer and die in winter. But in a warm, humid house, they continue to thrive even in the coldest months. The particles seen floating in a shaft of sunlight includes dead dust mites and their waste-products. These waste-products, which are certain types of proteins, are the reason behind provoking the allergic reaction.
You can get rid of these allergies by following simple steps:
• Clean your house thoroughly on regular basis.
• Use vacuum cleaner to remove dust completely from mattresses, upholstered furniture, curtains.
• Try to avoid pillows that have feather or rubber foam as filling.
• Don't let your pet wander around house much. Limit their access in most of the rooms.
• Avoid carpets. Dust mite love carpets. If you have carpets then vacuum clean them along with washing them on regular basis with good disinfectant.
• Keep stuffed animals in plastic containers and wash them regularly.
• Use AC to keep humidity low and to limit growth of dust mites in warmer months. Change AC filter regularly.
Dust mites are perhaps the most common cause of perennial allergic rhinitis. Dust mite allergy usually produces symptoms similar to pollen allergy and also can produce symptoms of asthma. Common symptoms of dust mite allergy are:
• Sneezing
• Runny nose
• Itchy, red or watery eyes
• Nasal congestion
• Itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat
• Postnasal drip
• Cough
• Facial pressure and pain
• Frequent awakening
• Swollen, blue-colored skin under your eyes
• In a child, frequent upward rubbing of the nose
Dust mite allergy can contribute to asthma as well, if it happens you may experience:
• Difficulty breathing
• Chest tightness or pain
• An audible whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling
• Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing
• Bouts of coughing or wheezing that are worsened by a respiratory virus such as a cold or the flu
If you experience any such situation then you must contact an allergist or immunologist in your city for better consultation. Don't be late as these allergies can turn bad with time and may even be the reason to cause asthma. In Delhi during summer time we have many dust storms adding to the household dust and increasing dust allergy. So keep in touch with the allergist if you already have allergy or have a few of the symptoms. Moreover consulting your doctor becomes more important if you have asthma.
The writer of this article is associated with and writing about the various diseases since a long time, in this article the writer mainly focused on the causes of allergy and primary allergy treatment and at advising about various experienced asthma specialist in Delhi that will be very helpful for the patient.
Home remedies for asthma
Home remedies for asthma are likely not be used as they should be.
Asthma is a disease that makes breathing difficult. It is caused when Airways to narrow, to produce swelling and extra mucus. It's hard to breathe and causes coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Home remedies for asthma are discovered and diligently used.
Asthma is a chronic disease, which affects 20 million Americans and nearly 1 in 10 children.
In an asthma attack, the Airways in the lung (Bronchioles) are lit. When this happens, they contract and are lined with excessive amounts of mucous membrane. This restricts air circulation, so it's very difficult to breathe. There are various home remedies against asthma that can be implemented to alleviate this mucous buildup.
For some people, asthma is not a big problem, but for others it is a very serious and scary problem that disrupts daily life and could lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.
Most physicians believe that asthma can be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. I think that home remedies for asthma are the best answer to strengthen not only your lungs, but also the entire immune system.
This attacks be irritant such as change of temperature or humidity, stress, caused by pollution or some environmental allergies, cigarette smoke, cleaning, agents or other toxins.
Her body first line of Defense is your immune system. Specialized cells and organs help recognize your body and respond to foreign invaders. Your immune system has called help even an own circulatory system, the lymphatic system to the attacker "Filter".
If your immune system, his work is not possible, the problems, the consequences can be serious. A weakened immune system shows allergies and asthma.
When, an immune system gets so weakened that she can normal germs, bacteria, viruses, etc., that we all are exposed to tear down our health, we are seriously at risk.
Chronic asthma one can minimize frightening condition that often requires vigilance to prevent and the occurrence of acute attacks. The standard Western medicine treats only symptoms. I prefer always homeopathic or natural treatment.
While many asthma attacks are relatively mild and treated at home can be, some can be very serious and may require even hospitalization.
A doctor can a physical examination and non-invasive lung functional test to help determine if you or your child has asthma.
Also the skin can examine their doctor and questions whether there is a history of hives, eczema or skin related allergies, since it a common link between skin reactions and chronic asthma. If a diagnosis is confirmed, it is important, different treatment options to discuss with your doctor and explore home remedy against asthma, rather than just accept the doctors prescribed medication.
Remember, there are always side effects with pharmaceuticals.
Too narrow and healthy immune system is so important. Strengthening of the immune system should the need for the use of antibiotics to negate and help to avoid unnecessary medication.
Natural remedies have used the immune system, so that the body of the best forces to ward off disease and infection works a healthy for thousands of years to promote.
Herbs such as Echinacea purpurea, Astragalus Membranaceous, Inula Helenium and Withania Somnifera are known for their antiviral, anti fungal and antibacterial properties, as well as their excellent ability to strengthen the immune system to be effective.
These herbs work as a tonic for the immune system and are recommended to avoid and help recover from disease or infection.
Home remedies for asthma food
Magnesium has been shown to breathe ability of asthmatics. Foods with magnesium are grains, green leafy vegetables, almonds, cashews, peanuts, turnip of Greens, spinach, wheat bran, Brazil nuts, soybean flour, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, Bran cereal, bananas, chocolate and agar algae.
Spices with magnesium include basil, celery seeds, Sage, coriander, cumin seeds, tarragon and Marjoram.
Asthma sufferers rather low levels of selenium in their bodies. Selenium combines with proteins in the body form Selenoproteins or antioxidant enzymes, which play a major role in the immune system.
Fresh vitamin-C rich fruits, provided the children with asthma was shown, effective in reducing the asthmatic wheezing.
Part of a healthy diet should contain fruits rich in vitamin C, including papaya, strawberries, melon, grapefruit, tangerines, mangoes and guava.
Some vegetables are potatoes with skin and raw spinach, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, Greens, which contain high amounts of vitamin c.
Apples, parsley, onions, tea, red wine, dark berries, cherries, citrus fruits and olive oil contain Quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant.
Quercetin is anti-inflammatory and acts as an antihistamine in the body that inhibit cells by the release of histamine. There is still no scientific evidence, the Quercetin can help to reduce symptoms of asthma, but it is being studied for the treatment of asthma.
Steve is a non-medical practitioner, researcher, author and health consultant. Discover helpful information about herbs, vitamins, drug interactions, parasites and more at:
Effective Methods To Treat Your Asthma
Asthma can restrict your daily activities. It can also threat your life if you don't know how to control it. In this article, you will see some effective steps to keep your asthma under control. Follow these steps below to get your better life without asthma.
1. Use de-humidifier in your house
It's very important for you to use de-humidifier in your house to keep your house dry. Humid and moist air in your house can trigger your asthma attack. By using de-humidifier in your house, you will also prevent the mold to grow in your house. As you know, mold is also one of the common triggers for asthma.
2. Bring your medications along with you
You should always bring your medications with you because asthma attack can occur anytime in your life. Visit your doctor to discuss about the best medications for treating your asthma. Your doctor will give you better information about the medication and how to use it effectively. Make sure to get quick-relief drug, such as corticosteroids, from your doctor. You can also bring your inhaler to treat your asthma attack. Other drugs that can help you to treat your asthma are aspirin and other NSAIDs.
3. Cover your mouth and nose when you go outside
You should cover your nose and mouth with mask or scarf to prevent any dust to come to your nasal system. Dust is one of the most common asthma triggers. In colder months, the scarf or mask that you use protects you from getting cold air from the environment. Cold air can actually trigger severe asthma attack. By covering your nose and mouth, you can avoid asthma attack during cold months.
4. Visit your doctor regularly
You have to visit your doctor more often to check your asthma condition. By doing so, you can prevent severe asthma attack in the future. Your doctor needs to evaluate your asthma condition before he gives you the right medicine for treating your asthma.
5. Get flu vaccination
If you have asthma problem, it very important to prevent any respiratory infections, such as cough, flu, or cold, because those infections can trigger severe asthma attack. Talk to your doctor to get a flu vaccination at least once a year.
You can use those simple tips to handle your asthma. There are actually many other treatments that you can use to treat your asthma. Always consult with your allergy doctor if you want to use new treatments to manage your asthma.
Those simple tips above are really helpful for you to control your asthma. Come to our site if you want to learn more about some effective home remedies for asthma.
Asthma During Pregnancy Does Not Have To Be A Problem For Your Baby
Why Is Asthma Dangerous?
Asthma is a condition where the air passages of the lungs are sensitive to certain allergens and become irritable and swollen. During pregnancy, this can be a dangerous situation. If this condition is not diagnosed and managed correctly, it can endanger the health of mother and child.
The major symptoms are wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. Getting a handle on the symptoms is difficult since the severity of the attacks are different with every case.
How To Avoid Potential Complications
Birth complications come in many forms. While some mothers worry about taking additional medications during the prenatal period, it is the adverse effects from a lack of oxygen that is the greatest threat to the baby. This deprivation of oxygen can lead to cerebral palsy, low birth weight or premature birth. Blood pressure changes, or pre-eclampsia, can also present themselves in the mother, and these can be life-threatening.
But with proper medical care, complications such as these can be avoided.
Diagnosis and Treatment
An expecting mother with asthma should be on a long term treatment plan and this will depend on the severity of the symptoms. After a doctor takes a complete history and physical exam, he or she will have a good idea of what is causing the attacks and plan a course of action.
The final product will be an asthma management plan that will show triggers, medications and emergency contacts. This involves identifying the symptoms of asthma, avoiding allergens that trigger attacks, and starting a medical treatment plan to prevent and treat symptoms.
Triggers To Avoid
An expecting mother should know her triggers and how to avoid them.The best policy is to avoid all known allergens, such as pollen, dust, and animal dander. The immediate environment should be clear of mold, mites, and animal dander. Strong chemicals have also been proven to be hazardous to the health of expecting mothers with respiratory issues so a chemical-free environment is best.
Monitoring A Baby's Condition
Asthma during pregnancy must be monitored extremely closely because the unborn child is extremely vulnerable in the development of the womb. If the mother has an attack without proper response time and treatment, there is a high potential for complications. It is always best for an expecting mother to document her experiences and share them with her practitioner.
If you are asthmatic and become pregnant, your doctor will create an action plan to accommodate your baby. If there is any change in your condition, you should be monitored more closely.
Thankfully, there should be no fear in becoming pregnant if you have this respiratory condition. Carefully consider how well your asthma is managed. If it is well controlled, you have the green light to expand your family. If it is not properly managed, work with your doctor to ensure a healthy and successful nine months.
Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to help you to properly manage this illness.
Causes of Asthma
Asthma is considered to be a long term lung inflammation that weakens and contracts the air passages. This type of disease causes the patient to produce a whistling sound whenever they breathe. Victims of asthma also experience chest pains, breathing problems and regular coughing which usually happens late at night or as you wake up in the morning. Asthma may attack people no matter what their age are, but statistics shows that asthma usually starts at one's childhood.
Maybe you are wondering what happens internally when asthma occurs; or maybe you are asking what really are the causes of asthma. Here's an overview on what asthma is all about. When a person is being attacked by asthma, the air passages which are the tubes that handle the air movement in and out of one's lungs gets inflamed which leads to narrowing of the airways. Those air passages gets extremely sensitive to the air that the person breathes plus the microscopic elements that may be included to that air. When these tubes get extremely sensitive and react, the muscles surrounding those get too tight causing very minimal amount of air to enter their lungs. This type of disease may get ever worse and may lead to death when not given the proper care or attention as the air passages may get even narrower. Aside from narrowing of airways, cells in the area may also produce more mucus than the usual. Mucus is a sticky substance which adds to hardening and narrowing of air passages. All these reactions may eventually result to giving off the signs and symptoms of asthma. These symptoms are sometimes mild and may eventually fade off naturally of after you have taken a certain medicine. But some cases get things even worse. So it is highly advised not to take these signs and symptoms for granted since this disease is considered fatal. It is true that asthma cannot be cured. But nevertheless you still need to manage the sickness when it attacks. Asthma can be fatal but a person with this type of ailment may still live a normal life.
What are the causes of asthma? Well, the main cause of asthma is not really known. Medical researchers say that asthma is lead by some of the genetic factors and some environmental contributors. Some of these are the following:
Allergic reactions which a person might have inherited. This is called atopy.Asthma usually attacks people whose parents are also asthmatic.If a person has a respiratory or pulmonary inflammation in their childhood.If a person gets in contact with airborne allergensIf a person gets exposed to some viral inflammations during their infancy or during the time when their immune system is still under development.
Who is most likely to have asthma attacks? Anyone may be a victim of this fatal disease; although, children who usually have lung inflammation or respiratory problems are most likely to suffer from asthma in the future. Other factors include being attacked by several allergies, skin asthma and parents who also suffer from asthma. Statistically speaking, record shows that among children, more boys suffer from asthma as compared to young girls. But in adults, there are more women than men who are being under attacked by this disease. But still there is no particular explanation how gender hormones contribute to asthma attacks.
There are several signs and symptoms of asthma which you need to be aware of since these symptoms may continue to get worse. Signs and symptoms include:
Coughing that usually attacks in the dawn or late at night. This cough attacks usually make it hard for you to experience a relaxing sleep.Whistling sound whenever you breathe.Chest pains that feels like someone is seated on your chests making it so tight.Breathing problems which make it hard for you to catch your breath. It feels like you are running out of air to breathe.
Not everyone who are asthmatic experience all and the same signs and symptoms. At the same time, not all who are experiences such signs and symptoms are considered to have an asthma disease. So it is highly recommended that you go and seek a doctor's advice when you experience any of these things.
Please visit [] for more information on the causes of asthma.
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Always the right asthma treatment can save your life
If you happen to suffer from respiratory allergies and asthma treatments on a regular basis need, if the weather is too hot, it is advisable to learn how people are ultimately diagnosed and how they can get effective treatments, which will alleviate many of the complaints, which often manifest as a result of chronic asthma.
Asthma is a disease of the respiratory tract, affecting millions of Americans every day. Many people who experience this condition have diagnosed at some point in their lives, usually in early childhood. Others may not even know they have this condition. No matter which side of the coin, are you, it is important to know which symptoms searched, so that you can get the proper asthma treatment.
Some common symptoms of asthma are difficulty breathing, chest tightness, excessive dry cough and shortness of breath, which is more pronounced with an increase in physical stress and activity. Asthma can be even worse in the course of time if it is not properly treated. Increased signs of asthma, which are to a State of heavy daily use of an inhaler, wheezing and shortness of breath, also at peace and the decreasing ability of normal physical activity is without losing one's breath.
There is no need to lead, to the emergency room each time if you require an asthma treatment. In fact it is a good idea for you, your respiratory situation re-evaluated, to ensure that you get the right treatment to have. Because many complaints can lessen or worsen gradually over the course of time, it is necessary that you are informed in your State about all changes before you begin to receive any form of treatment.
Asthma is something that you can't ignore and is a life-threatening condition. You can not afford to take risks and delay getting the right asthma treatment. If you want to get the best asthma treatment, you need treatment in a medical facility that specializes is preserved in asthma treatments. You can go through your medical history, some tests run and determine what type of treatment for you is correct. You provide how to live with this disease also with guidance and advice. By learning, this condition to manage, you can correctly a full and rewarding, as well as the life, which did not suffer with asthma.
Choose your treatment center with care. To learn about the medical staff and professionals. Closed up and you will help them overcome your ordeal and learn how to live with this disease. The better you can customize and adjust for a life with asthma, the more you will be able, a quiet and active living. Not something his life with any kind of disease, which puts a damper on your lifestyle. There are many people that have been diagnosed with asthma and still manages to lead a very active life.
Fight your asthma with these simple tips
For someone who was never diagnosed with asthma, is the difficulty breathing during physical activity particularly frightening. Most people think of asthma as something that acts a person a day, from the day, which is not the case with exercise-induced asthma. This article describes some of the basics for this common condition, which affects millions of men, women and children in the United States. The joys of movement and sport promote the body and mind, so that it is more important than ever before to look for ways to to prevent and manage the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma. Further and then move reading!
To properly diagnose and to treat exercise-induced asthma, your doctor will assess your symptoms. Exercise-induced asthma is triggered often affecting the mouth breathing for physical activity, increased with an increased sensitivity of the muscles of the Airways. Contract in response to changes in the temperature and humidity of air caused the Airways by breathing through the mouth, caused to experience the training tool, wheezing, shortness of breath, a firming feeling in the chest and unusually strong feelings of fatigue.
Your doctor will also to frequency and duration of symptoms. In exercise-induced asthma, the symptoms usually between five to 20 minutes of physical activity. In other symptoms begin about five to 10 minutes after the duties. A doctor can also a physical examination or tests breathe through, order to your lung capacity measurement.
If you can fight with exercise-induced asthma, have a number of viable options to prevent or manage your symptoms. For example, many people find that acclimating warm-ups and cool-downs and after physical activity can help to exercise the body and reduce or avoid problematic symptoms. Others find that exercise to avoid peak pollen and air pollution, is useful times. It is also helpful, strenuous physical activity during or immediately after an illness to avoid.
If changes are not enough, your doctor may recommend, breathe prescription drugs or treatments. Asthma inhalers can be used immediately before or after physical activity; the most commonly prescribed inhalers contain albuterol, a Beta-2 agonist. Daily 'maintenance' could be prescribed for those who are very susceptible to asthma symptoms, medication. Another option for the exercise-induced asthma sufferers is a breathing treatment with Cromolyn sodium (in Valley or physical). These treatments are administered by inhalation and are taken minutes before physical activity most effectively when about 15 or 20.
Is that sufficient managing your condition, take part in almost every sport or activity, you can in most cases. For those with severe symptoms it may be needed for activities in cooler temperatures, such as ice skating, to avoid ice hockey and skiing. It is also advisable to avoid sport effort, including football, basketball, a period of time and require distance running.
Although asthma can produce frightening and unpleasant symptoms, there are many options available. It is important to speak, who can work with you to create a plan that allows you to enjoy the benefits of exercise without compromising himself with your doctor. Finally, this is physical activity as one of the best things you can do for your mind and body. You can not exercise-induced asthma you hold back!
These above simple tips are really helpful for you to control your asthma. Come to this website, if you want to know how to use home remedies against asthma from your own home. Read this article before you visit to discuss your allergy doctor about your asthma problem.
How Does an Asthma Inhaler Work?
A person suffering from asthma, will have an attack, when ones immune system reacts to the inhalation of various irritants. These irritants can take the form of dust, smoke, and even cold weather. Stress can also cause an attack of asthma. This irritation activates the immune system and causes inflammation of the nasal pathways. It also causes the muscles at this area to become constricted. This leads to the near closure of the airway and causes wheezing and breathing trouble. The immune system causes mucus to build up in the lungs, and an asthma patient, will experience a coughing fit.
The portable asthma inhaler aids in providing the required drug to alleviate the asthma attack. The asthma inhaler works by reducing the inflammation in the airways. The inhaler delivers the required dosage to the patient. The drug can be delivered by inhaling through the mouth or nasally. The drugs used will depend on the asthma attack faced by the person.
There are various types of inhalers and can be classified as pressurised metered dose inhalers (MDIs), breath-activated inhalers - MDIs and dry powder inhalers, inhalers with spacer devices and nebulizer.
The pressurised metered inhalers use an inactive gas to inject the drug. Pushing down the top of the inhaler, releases the drug and it has to be inhaled. It is also small and easy to carry. Some inhalers have meters which can indicate the number of doses that remain for use. Otherwise, one will have to count the doses to keep track. The drawback is that, it requires coordination, as the person has to press down and inhale at the same time.
The drug is discharged by just breathing on the mouth piece and is easier to operate than the pressurised one. Though, Inhalation has to be done forcefully for the drug to be released.
Inhalers with spacer devices are much easier to operate than the other kinds. Inhaling through the mouth piece causes the spacer to releases the drug. A valve stops the drug from exiting the spacer when one breathes out. In some types of spacers, a face mask can be fitted instead of a mouthpiece.
Nebulizers convert the drug into the form of a mist. This can be breathed in with a face mask or mouth piece. This drug delivery system is used in hospitals where there are severe cases of asthma.
One must consider several issues, before choosing inhaler for use. This is because, some medications can only be used with certain of inhalers. People suffering from asthma should take adequate precautions to avoid being exposed to stressful situations, dirt, dust, smoke, or anything that can trigger an attack. In choosing the right inhaling mechanism, they can overcome an asthma attack.
Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a term used to describe a syndrome that has a severe and frequent tiredness and is unable to be resolved by resting. CFS is different from general tiredness because there is no cause such as another disease for the condition.
The causes of CFS are not exactly known and doctors have theorized that it may be a result of the human herpes-6 virus or the Epstein-Barr virus, but an exact cause has yet to be pinpointed. An inflammation of the nervous system has also been hypothesized since a faulty immune system response can cause extreme tiredness.
CFS is most common in women between the ages of 30 to 50 and other factors such as age, stress, the environment, previous illnesses and genetics can influence its development.
The symptoms are similar to other illnesses, which makes it difficult to diagnose and may cause doctors to overlook the condition. It can be mistaken for the flu or other viral conditions. These typically include some or all of the following: headache, muscle aches and, of course, extreme fatigue and tiredness.
CFS differentiates from other illnesses if the symptoms persist for a period of at least 6 months. The symptoms appear as a new condition and are unable to be relieved by bed rest alone. CFS leaves an individual unable to do many of their normal activities. Other symptoms that may indicate that someone has CFS include feeling tired for more than 24 hours in a row, not feeling refreshed after a long rest period, problems concentrating, frequent forgetfulness, irritability, a constant and mild fever, sore throat or sore and swollen lymph nodes under the arms or in the neck.
To be diagnosed with CFS a doctor must first rule out other very common causes of fatigue such as drug or alcohol dependence, infections, muscle and nerve diseases, psychiatric or psychological illnesses, tumours and immune or autoimmune disorders which all have fatigue as a significant side effect.
While there are no specific tests for chronic fatigue, doctors have been able to see abnormal results with both white blood cell counts and on a brain MRI. Since there is no established cure for the disease, doctors focus on trying to relieve the symptoms as much as possible to make life comfortable. Treatment methods may include cognitive-behaviour theory, a healthy diet and sleep management.
Some medications may also be used in treatment to treat the symptoms including depression, pain and anxiety. Relaxation and stress-management can also improve the lives of those with CFS.
Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Pure O2, specialists in Commercial Oxygen Concentrators and Oxygen Concentrator Hire.
There are several choices and uses for breathing apparatus
Patients with lung diseases such as COPD, asthma and a number of other diseases benefit from a variety of breathing apparatus and devices carrying drugs in their lungs and improvement of respiratory function.
Counter inhalers (MDI)
A meter dose inhaler or MDI, is one of the cheapest and most convenient airway devices use, which can be delivered right to the door. They are small and easy to use, provide a minimal amount of drugs that restore the throat if inhaled and respiratory functions open up help. To a meter dose inhaler use, simply inhale and hold then for a few seconds before breathing out.
Spacers are also widely used by those suffering from lung diseases and other breathing. Spacers are available in different variations, which is most often Chamber the Aero. In fact, it is a long tube that is used with the MDI as the voice. It told to inhale a person such as much medication possible from any and has a whistle, know the person breathing when it is okay to stop to make. In a time of panic, it can difficult to know when breathe and breathe be, but with a spacer must the right timing and be worry about performing the steps to right in stressful times.
You need a compressor as a contingency plan if timer inhalers used. A compressor is a nebulizer and generally should only be used if the MDI has failed. Each patient has chronic breathing problems and needed something more than a MDI with a compressor should be familiar. From May 8 to 11 litres per minute and serve as mouthpieces similar to how is the MDI. There are more available, but in most cases are not necessary.
Nebulizers are also available and usually, suffer the chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma who have their. You used to deliver drugs regularly and with a larger concentration of what medication is prescribed. Always oxygen in your system and your flows final destination and a nebulizer is a straight to the point approach, of medicine delivers deep in your respiratory system with each inhalation. Nebulizer can be used with other devices and offers excellent results.
Oxygen therapy equipment
Patients who have access to almost continuous oxygen a significant improvement in their neuro-psychological function shown. Oxygen therapy equipment are two stationary, for local use and portable options for use outside the home.
Breathing apparatus is with today's latest innovative technology forward and always easier for patient use, as well as convenient access to. The most important thing to keep in mind is that it is crucial that you use patients and family members to show how really every breathing apparatus, to ensure that the patient gets the most out of their medicines and improved their condition. Rest is very important, when it comes, those who suffer from respiratory diseases is therefore it important are prepared.
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How Do Steroids Help Asthma?
Steroids are a common treatment option for people suffering from asthma. Often used in combination with an anti-inflammatory drug, the steroids help reduce inflammation in the lungs and airways. Steroids also help dry out excessive mucus production. They successfully reduce the irritation that can trigger an episode. The drugs can safely eliminate or reduce attacks.
Cortisteroids and steroids are usually used together. The drugs are usually inhaled or taken orally. Leukotriene modifier drugs, mast cell stabilizers and immunomodulators, known as IgE blockers, work with steroids to control the sufferer's attacks.
The most effective steroids are inhaled by the sufferer. Overtime, the drug quickly reduces airway inflammation and dries up mucus. Inhaled steroids will reduce the severity of the attacks and lessen their occurrence. This will help reduce the need for hospitalization.
A sufferer must take inhaled steroids daily to be effective. The person will begin to experience less attacks in one to three weeks using an inhaled steroid. The best effects take up to three weeks to achieve.
Three forms of inhaled steroids are available: dry powder inhalers, nebulizers and metered dose inhalers. Inhaled steroids work well for both adults and children. The sufferer will initially be prescribed a low dose. Inhaled steroids have very few side effects. In high doses a person may develop thrush. If thrush develops, it is usually treated with an anti-fungal mouthwash.
Over time and continued use of inhaled steroids, the sufferer will become less dependent on reliever inhalers, known as beta-agonist bronchodilators. Patients who respond well to inhale steroids will be advised to reduce their dosage as the airways suffer less inflammation.
People who suffer from severe attacks require systemic steroids such as prednisone. Systemic steroids treat excessive attacks or help control extreme long-term attacks. The drugs take approximately three hours after ingestion to take effect and do not reach full potential for six to 12 hours after ingestion. Systemic steroids are often prescribed in large doses over the course of a few days for immediate control. For long-term treatment, systemic steroids are prescribed in a low dose for years.
Side effects of systemic steroids can appear months or years later. Systemic steroids may cause weight gain, acne, upset stomach, bone loss, eye problems or personality disorders. Children may experience growth delays. Short term use rarely causes side effects.
Many patients cease taking steroids because they begin to suffer less asthma attacks. Despite the reduced attacks, the airways can still remain inflamed. A patient should never reduce or cease taking a steroid unless advised to do so by the prescribing doctor. A chronic condition, the disorder often lasts a lifetime and steroids will always be required to control it. Some people can successfully cease taking the steroids if advised to do so by a physician.
Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Pure O2, specialists in Asthma.
Best Ways To Treat an Asthma Attack
Asthma is a serious health condition that can happen in all different ages and backgrounds. You have to be careful with the asthma. In this article, you can find some basic ideas to help you to handle your asthma effectively and prevent the asthma attack. Read this article before you consult your doctors about your condition.
1. Avoid any scented products
If you have asthma, you probably know that scented products, such as perfume, air fresheners, and detergent, may be dangerous for you. Some scented products might irritate your nasal system and induce your asthma attack. Try to substitute those scented products with the unscented ones. By doing so, you are able to control your asthma better.
2. Avoid feather pillows
If you suffer from asthma, do not use feather pillows in your bedroom. The feathers can cause asthma symptoms and damage your lungs. My recommendation is hypoallergenic pillow because it is effective to prevent asthma attack.
3. Apply dehumidifier in your house
This is an excellent tool to manage your asthma. It reduces the asthma attack by decreasing the humidity in your house. If you use a dehumidifier with filter, you will also be able to remove some allergens, such as dust, insect, mites, from the air. It is important because humid air can trigger your asthma symptoms instantly. By doing so, you also prevent the mold to grow in your house. Protect yourself against these allergens to control your asthma symptoms.
4. Visit your doctor often
One of the most important things that you can do to control your asthma is to visit your doctor regularly. He will identify the triggers for your asthma. You can ask him about taking the allergy test to know your triggers. After you know the substances that can trigger your asthma symptoms, you can prevent the asthma attack by avoiding those substances. Your doctor may give you some medications for you to treat your allergies. Be careful with those medications. Do not forget to read the instructions before taking those products. You may also consider using some natural remedies to control your asthma.
5. Avoid being exposed to pollen
You need to protect yourself from being exposed to pollen. Make sure that you stay at home when the amount of pollen is high. If you need to go outside at this time, make sure that you wear a protective mask to prevent the pollen to come into your nasal system.
Those simple tips in this article are effective to control your asthma. Visit this website, if you want to learn how to use home remedies for asthma from your own house. Read this article prior to your visit to an allergy doctor to treat your asthma problem.
To find effective asthma help
Those who suffer from asthma recognizes that the condition can throw a wrench in most plans. Since the attacks themselves often seemingly nothing can result from, individuals can some possible home remedies want their inhalers and their normative medications beyond. Although she should consult always a doctor before trying to plan an alternative treatment, they will probably find that some plans at surprising treatment can achieve positive results. By the way some people may want to notes to keep on what things work and which are not.
Tea has a multitude of wonderful qualities, and many people who take in the beverage industry on a regular basis swear by its benefits. In addition to provides the body a healthy way, gets his daily caffeine fix, will help tea also pulmonary passages, the open keys for all, which has long struggled with asthma is obvious. The most varieties of the drink benefits are, so give the choice of green or black tea must not a difficult decision. In addition to support with asthma, researchers, even some cases of moderate coronary heart disease can reverse, according to some the drink. Because tea is also relatively cheap, should try it out rather easy.
Although the most asthma exercise have a certain fear, there are some activities that can be ideal for men and women with the condition. Because some people can be pretty sensitive to dry air, you may swim the best possible exercise for these people. The most indoor areas are evenly moist, warm air environments and can thus remain the lung on the line, because the round swimming pool will be completed. People with severe asthma should always their inhalers with them, but take, especially if their selected physical activity is more strict.
Men and women should consider seriously the benefits of a good room sauna or steam bath. These structures are built to help breathe around the body and asthma sufferers will find that they can more easily take in the air after a session or two in one of these rooms. If people currently a bit sick head have, they can clear the sinuses in this way.
Asthma people should always be help in close contact with their personal physician. Might they immediately this physician treatment advice from emergency. For long-term management techniques, most patients have to see just what works for them and what is not. Through the combination of different home remedies-aware effective drug, should adults and children alike in able to conquer their condition.
Information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis or treatment. Seek always the advice your Physician(s) or other qualified medical Anbieter(n).
Author writes about a variety of topics. If you want more to learn article about asthma or asthma help, please visit
Easing Infant Asthma - 5 Features An Air Cleaner Needs to Have
If your baby has asthma, it can be heartbreaking to watch them struggle for air. Minimizing these episodes has to be at the top of your list when caring for your child. An air purifier with the following 5 features can help your baby and you breathe easier.
HEPA Filtration - All indoor spaces have airborne particles that are impossible to prevent, but that can be minimized by using high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filters. Designed to remove particles as small as.3 microns in size, they can eliminate dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, as well as bacteria and viruses that cling to these particles.
Even though these particles are typical of most indoor air, babies' respiratory systems are not fully developed. Clearing the air of these pollutants (especially dust mites) can make it easier for your baby to breathe.
Carbon Cloth Filter - This type of filter was originally developed by the British Military as a defense against chemical warfare. It is excellent at removing gases, odors, and noxious chemicals.
You may think you don't have anything like that in baby's room. And you certainly wouldn't knowingly introduce these pollutants to the air. But if you have painted, wallpapered, bought new furniture or bedding, put in new carpet it is very likely that many of these products are off-gassing chemicals.
Fumes that adults may not be aware of may be too much for newly developing lungs to handle. Taking them out before they can cause problems is the advantage of having this type of filter working for you.
24 Hour Operation - Airborne pollutants are always in the air and a cleaner that run all the time is the best way to minimize the amount in the air. Continually reducing those means that they are less likely to accumulate to a level that would cause breathing problems for your child.
A split capacitor motor allows for continuous filtration that is safe and effective. Look for this feature in the technical specifications or owner's manual, and don't put it in your nursery unless it has this type of motor.
360 Degree Intake - Who care about this you may ask. A cleaner that can work effectively when placed as close as 6 inches from any surface is a huge advantage in terms of placement in the nursery. This means the unit can be close to the wall to limit cord exposure. It also means that you get to place in the most convenient place rather than having to place it in the middle of the room as some other cleaners require.
Low Maintenance - Probably the most important part of low maintenance is that it means less interruption in filtration. Avoid cleaners that require you to unplug them and go inside to wash, vacuum, spray, or recharge anything.
Each time you have to perform maintenance like this, your child's air is not being cleaned which means pollutants can build to levels that can cause problems. Instead opt for a purifier that only needs to be vacuumed on the outside while it continues to run, and has a filter life of 5 years or more. That qualifies as low maintenance at its best.
Help your baby breathe easier despite asthma by keeping asthma triggering pollutants low. See the air purifier that can help your baby and you breathe easier at
About Childhood Asthma
Asthma is one of the more common long-term disorders of children. It affects the airways in your lungs resulting in it to contract, thereby reducing the passage of air to your lungs. Now asthma in children can be treated in many ways. By managing it, they live as normally and actively as other healthy children.
Being aware of the symptoms of asthma will help in the case of an onslaught of asthma attacks. Many asthma causes are found in our homes, for instance molds, mites, smoke, indoor pets, as well as chemical irritants.
Mildews and molds are typically found on damp areas such as shower curtains, sinks, and tiles. If you happen to find mold, sanitize the area with plain water and soap. The right ventilation in your kitchens and bathrooms really are advised by installing an exhaust fan then opening your windows. Dry all moist places so you can ward off any new growth of molds.
There are small bugs called dust mites that we cannot see with our naked eyes. Usually they live in your pillows, bedding, carpets and stuffed toys. These objects commonly are found in your kids' rooms. Because children spend a lot of time in their rooms, then it's good to make sure the room stays clean. Replace bedding on a regular basis, clean their stuffed toys by hand washing them for they gather particles of dust. It's also recommended to utilize dust filters to make sure the air your child inhales is clean.
Smoke is a big trigger of asthma attacks. If someone is a smoker, then do not let them smoke in your house. If pets are in your home, then take note of your kids' reactions when they are with the pets. In addition, if asthma is set off by the animals' dander, limit your kids' exposure to the pets. Irritants are also found in your home. These can include laundry powder, cosmetics, air fresheners and cleaners. When using these products, be sure your kids are not there and your windows are opened with the exhaust turned on.
Air pollution also triggers attacks. This comes out of the smoke made by vehicles as well as factories. Try to avoid taking your kids outside when the air pollution index is high. When spending time outside cannot be avoided, make your kids wear a dust mask to keep them from inhaling particulates.
Getting your children to participate in any strenuous exercise programs may not be very good, as it can get to be too much for their system and cause asthma attacks. Parents should monitor their kids' physical acceptance of different activities and keep talking to them concerning their condition to keep them aware of what is going on with their body. By doing this, they're able to inhibit exercise-induced asthma.
Certain foods that asthmatics cannot consume because they provoke allergic reactions, eggs chicken, and seafood. Let your children know of the foods that might cause asthma. Asthma may not be curable, but it is preventable with the right knowledge.
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Smoking And The Asthmatic Patient
We have all probably heard at least once from different information sources that smoking cigarettes and tobacco are harmful to one's health. These products contain hundreds of destructive chemicals which are detrimental; not only to the smoker, but to those who get to inhale the smoke coming from the cigarettes or tobacco they puff. One of the illnesses that can be acquired by smoking is asthma. But what if the actual asthmatic patient is the one who smokes excessively? How can this person possibly be saved from future health complications? Before we discuss the solution, it will be worthwhile to note some background information about smoking and the asthmatic patient.
Smoking 101
The practice of smoking dates back centuries ago, when the ancient civilizations and societies used and burnt incense as a way of praising their gods. What started as a purely religious practice eventually evolved as a way of gratifying and satisfying oneself by inhaling the smoke coming from products like cigarettes and tobacco. Smoking is apparently very pleasurable as these cigarettes or tobacco contain nicotine, a substance that is known to stimulate the brain, giving the smoker intense enjoyment and fulfillment.
Despite all the pleasures that smoking gives, it is still very harmful to the body especially for second-hand smokers or the people who inhale the smoke which is exhaled by the actual smokers. It can cause lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure or even something as simple as the common cough. Thus, this practice must immediately be halted.
Asthma 101
Asthma is a respiratory disorder that causes the patient to have difficulty in breathing due to inflammation of the airways. Asthmatics often experience different extremely uncomfortable conditions like wheezing, chest tightening, shortness of breath, and intense coughing. Some asthmatics even have side effects like skin allergies which develop on varying degrees. Asthma is a sickness that must be treated and dealt with seriously as this can be a cause of potential death.
Smoking can trigger asthma attacks. The smoke coming from cigarettes and tobacco can irritate the muscles of the airways, causing it to become rigid and tensed. When this happens, the passage of air is impeded and the asthmatic experiences difficulty in breathing, which leads to major or minor asthma attacks.
The Verdict
It is therefore advisable for asthmatics to avoid inhaling smoke coming from cigarettes and for asthmatics who smoke to quit smoking altogether. They may think they can handle cigarette or tobacco smoke but the truth is that they're running the risk of worsening their asthmatic condition. They are highly likely to develop severe respiratory problems at a young age. Aside from that, their appearance, overall body stamina, and immune system will be affected causing them to be sicklier and appear older than they truly are.
So if you're an asthmatic smoker, you better stop smoking immediately. Start taking simple but sure steps that will help you to quit smoking altogether. Ask your doctor's help. Do this for your own good and that of others.
Respiration and The Need For Respiratory Therapists
For us, breathing is automatic that we tend not to notice it. Every time we inhale, we draw fresh oxygen into our lungs, which then make its way to our bloodstream transporting it to all the cells of our bodies. This process enables them to burn essential nutrients that are vital to life.
During breathing, our chest rises and our diaphragm expands downward. This creates a kind of vacuum in the chest. Through this vacuum, the air is transported into the upper and lower respiratory passages. As we exhale, our lungs and chest go back to their initial position and air is expelled through the respiratory passages. The act of respiration depends on the current metabolic condition of the body. Therefore, respiration adjusts when the body is at rest or in motion.
Not everyone has normal respiration. Others that suffer from chronic respiratory disorders need help through treatments and respiratory therapies in order to have proper respiration.
Over the years, the demand for respiratory therapy has grown, mainly because it is considered by many as very systematic and gentle. The therapy includes a mild dose of nebulized medicine that is given quickly during inhalation to the respiratory passages as a kind of soft aerosol targeting passages where it can act quickly.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Pulmonary Emphysema
Asthma is one of the most common respiratory disorders. It causes lungs' airways to become narrow and inflamed. This leads to shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, coughing and wheezing. These symptoms are recurring and thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Bronchitis is another respiratory disorders that is quite common. It is described as the swelling of the main air passages to the lungs and can either be acute or chronic. Typical symptoms of bronchitis are coughing, excess mucus and sputum.
Pulmonary Emphysema is a chronic lung condition where the alveoli or air sacs may be destroyed, narrowed, collapsed, stretched or over-inflated. These cause a decrease in the functions of the respiratory system and breathlessness, as well.
The Need For Respiratory Therapists
For those afflicted with the abovementioned disorders, it is important that you take better care of your health. By being given the proper care from a respiratory therapist. While respiratory therapists are not considered doctors, they are experts of life support equipment operation and pulmonary diseases. With their knowledge on respiratory functions, they are able to give proper recommendations and diagnosis to doctors.
If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a respiratory therapist, there are a number of training programs that can help you reach that goal.
How Asthma Can Be Avoided
This article is created just for you who have to deal with asthma. You can find some information on how to deal with asthma effectively. By reading and following this information, you will start having beautiful life without asthma.
If you have asthma problem and you have to use your inhaler in more than three times a week to get your asthma gone, you should visit your doctor and ask them to change your medication. Sometimes, the medication in the inhaler doesn't work properly. That's why you need to consult with your doctor about your inhaler.
When you're travelling along, make sure to bring your asthma medications and equipment. Don't forget to bring your prescriptions too. By carrying the prescriptions along with written proof from your doctor, you will reduce the potential problems at the airport security checkpoints.
Make sure you ask your doctor on how you can use your inhaled medication properly. Don't leave his office until you are completely comfortable using the inhaler. You can't just spray it into your mouth and inhale it gently. You have to breathe deeply in conjunction with the spray. Proper use of the asthma inhaler is the important point when you have asthma problem.
You should visit more than one doctor. Even though your primary care doctor can assist you in the basic care for your asthma, don't forget to visit a specialist. Asthma doctors, pulmiologists, and allergists are the people who you want to consult with to help solving your asthma problem.
When you're dealing with an asthma attack, it's important to make sure that you visit your doctor as soon as possible. Make sure that you're ready for the asthma treatment when you're getting asthma problem for the first time. This is very important because early asthma treatment will always be the best solution for you to deal with your asthma.
It is essential to change your sleeping pillows that you use frequently to avoid asthma problem. Use pillowcases and towels that are made from cotton because it won't allow dust mites to grow on them. Just for your information, the dust mites are considered as some of the top contributors of the asthma problems.
If you have an asthma attacks but you don't bring your asthma inhaler on hand, you should try to use caffeine as an asthma remedy. Strong tea, coffee, or chocolate can help you to reduce the severity of your asthma attack. It will help you to constrict your blood vessels and open the vessels so you can breathe easier.
Those simple home remedies for asthma are really effective to help you getting rid of your asthma problem. Some asthma problems are caused by the allergens. Read this before you visit your allergy doctor to know more about allergy and how to get rid of the allergic to reduce your asthma problems from your own house.
Asthma: Why You Need to Use a Peak Flow Meter
Key Asthma Symptoms
The key symptoms of asthma are also common in other major illnesses and so self diagnosing is not recommended. Only a doctor can diagnose asthma and then only after several tests have been taken.
The most common identifiers of asthma are:
• Wheezing
• Chronic cough.
• Tightness in the chest
• Shortness of breath
Having said that, these symptoms are also common with some heart ailments, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, allergies and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Sometimes, a person with severe asthma can have a debilitating illness; they are so impacted by the symptoms that they are not able to function normally on a day to day basis. Fortunately, the vast number of asthma sufferers have symptoms that are much more mild. For these sufferers an asthma attack my occur infrequently and the use of Ventolin HFA is all they need.
For some sufferers, their asthma may be too severe to be controlled with the use of an inhaler or nebulizer and their symptoms continue to get worse; the throat muscles can become so inflamed that they have serious difficulty breathing, they wheeze, have a tightness in their chest, and, develop a chronic cough. When this happens, going about their daily lives is impossible.
If your regular medication does not relieve the symptoms then your progress to a severe attack and medical intervention is usually necessary. As the symptoms get worse your ability to breathe is reduced and your body takes in less oxygen than it needs. Without immediate help this can be fatal.
Some people suffer infrequent mild asthma attacks and they are able to manage their symptoms by using an inhaler, or, nebulizer. On the onset of an attack a puff or spray of asthma medication is all they need.
With regular use of a Peak Flow Monitor it is possible to know in advance if you are going to have an asthma attack.
Without knowing what your regular lung capacity is, it is not easy to know if you are having a severe asthma attack, A Peak Flow Meter, properly used, will let you stay on top of your regular measure of breathing capacity; during an asthma attack using the flow meter will give you a measure of your of breathing ability, and hence your level of oxygen intake.
If your oxygen intake is low you should go to the hospital immediately. Let's look at this in more detail;
What is a Peak Flow Meter
A hand held device, a peak flow meter measures the speed of your breath (air) coming from your lungs after you have exhaled forcefully immediately after fully inhaling. Peak flow meters are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Portable and affordable, these devices are easy to take with you wherever you go.
Keeping records of the results - your peak expiratory flow (PEF) is part of an asthma management plan. If your asthma is under control your readings will be consistent, if they are not, your asthma may be getting worse.
How do I find out my best peak expiratory flow
When you start using a Peak Flow Meter you need to record each of your readings two or three times a day for at least 2-3 weeks. Always take your tests at the same time each day and always take your test prior to using your Ventolin HFA inhaler. Follow the instructions that come with your meter on how to take the breath tests. The highest number you have recorded over the test period is your peak expiratory flow.
Sometimes, during a severe asthma attack it may seem that your symptoms have eased because you are not wheezing, when instead, your lung capacity has become too low to let you wheeze. By taking your flow rate and comparing it to your recorded peak rate, you will know if you should be going immediately to the hospital. Failure to do so could be fatal.
Regular use of your meter can assist you in identifying when an asthma attack may be due. An asthma attack may present symptoms up to a week before it actually occurs; knowing when to use your Ventolin HFA ahead of an attack can prevent an attack from occurring.
Talk with your doctor about how a Peak Flow Meter may help you manage your symptoms.
For more information on Ventolin HFA and Peak Flow Meters click here.
If you are concerned about side effects you can find that information at Ventolin HFA Side Effects
Common Causes of Asthma and Ways to Control It
Asthma attacks may be triggered by various causes. When the body detects an irritant, the immune system immediately responds by releasing inflammatory substances to the area where the irritant is sensed. As a result swelling occurs and mucous is produced. When this occurs broncheo spasms result which cause severe breathing difficulties for asthma sufferers.
The local environment can be a big cause of asthma attacks. Bacteria and dust that exist where you live can become lung irritants. Some studies show that children who grow up spending most of their time indoors develop a weaker immune system compared to children who are encouraged by their parents to play in the open air. This makes them susceptible to bacteria and atmospheric particles found at home and elsewhere. Lower levels of resistance to outside pollutants then make them vulnerable to environmental dusts that can cause irritation and other complications.
Asthma may be developed because of an allergy. Common allergens that trigger asthma attacks include pollen, hair, animal dander, feathers, and molds. Diseases such as allergic rhinitis or hay fever may also trigger asthma. The severity of the attack largely depends on what allergen the patient has been exposed to. Food allergies may be a factor as well. Patients with asthma are highly advised to be careful with their diet because a food allergy has been known to trigger asthma attacks. Doctors recommend a diet wherein foods that usually cause allergy, like wheat, corn and dairy are omitted.
For women, there are two events in their life that can increase their body's sensitivity to asthma causes. The first of these is pregnancy. Amazingly, there have been studies that shown that mothers who are expecting baby girls have a higher tendency to exhibit asthma-type breathing problems compared to pregnant women who are expecting boys. The second is the menopause, where there is a connection between asthma and low levels of estrogen in the body. The development of asthma in this case often begins during perimenopause.
Atmospheric weather conditions can also bring on an attack due to changes to the ions in the air, but is not common.
Obviously a family history of asthma will pre-dispose individuals to asthma symptoms, but with care many of the causes can be kept to a minimum. This is due mainly to recent research studies which have helped us to be more aware of the causes that were unknown to previous generations.
Patients with asthma may suffer due to one of the above factors, or a combination of several. The best way to deal with this ailment is to consult a physician so the condition can be addressed properly. More often than not, asthma attacks are not life-threatening, but if not properly monitored and appropriate measures applied before and during onset, it can lead to a more serious condition. To avoid this, help your doctor, if you can, to identify what specific irritants might cause your attacks and ask for their advice. Doctors will most likely recommend avoiding places where allergens and irritants may be present and if asthma attacks are severe, they may prescribe medications which must be taken regularly to ease the condition.
Regular exercise plays a vital role in everyone's health, and people with asthma should be aware of the particular benefits that this has for their condition. Physical activities such as walking, running, stretching, and cycling can help you develop stronger muscles and at the same time boost the immune system. During exercise, deep breathing is encouraged and this enhances overall health. For asthma patients, regular exercise stimulates the muscles in the air passages which help in reducing asthma attacks. By doing moderate physical activity, inhalation and exhalation of air is controlled and strengthened.
One particular medical device has also been proven to be extremely effective for reducing the symptoms of asthma. It is called a Salt Pipe and when air is inhaled through the device it enters the respiratory system and delivers micron-sized salt ions to the lungs to improve respiratory health. The salt microns help by improving the health of the mucosal cells and stimulate the natural cleansing action in the lungs. This salt from the mines in Transylvania has been known to have therapeutic properties since the second century AD. This amazing device is becoming increasingly popular, and daily users speak very highly about the improvements it has brought to their health. The Salt pipe has also been proven to help allergies and pollens, snoring, colds, other infections as well as asthma.
Asthma can be controlled very effectively by various natural means. For those sufferers who think that drugs are the only treatment, please investigate all the natural options that have been studied, trialed and approved as being safe, effective and offer a real solution.
Margaret Le Monnier has over 20 years-experience as a qualified natural health professional in the UK. She is well known for giving intuitive and expert advice to people regarding natural approaches to correcting a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Margaret is now writing articles for a website solely devoted to bringing a comprehensive range of natural health advice to everyone. To find out more about natural remedies for asthma visit her website at Natural Health 4 Life.