Clinical abstract for the use of salt-therapy in the respiratory tract and skin diseases - speleotherapy Symposium
The fourteenth International Symposium of the speleotherapy found in Romania on October 4-6, 2012. The symposium was under the auspices of the International Union of Speleology (UIS), the Romanian Academy of medical sciences and of the committees of the Standing Committee of the speleotherapy (PCS) - Department of research.
Specialists in high academic institutions and organisations from Romania, Russia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Austria, Slovakia, Poland and other countries took part, three days at the 16th International Symposium of speleotherapy. Doctors and physicians specializing in the Pneumology, allergology, dermatology, rehabilitation, physical medicine and balneotherapy, professors at medical schools, clinical researchers and engineers, gathered to share their experiences and research studies on the effects of salt-therapy in the air passages, and balneology with mineralized and salty water.
It presents the speleotherapy in mines and caves, from the history results, uses concepts - to our modern times as Halotherapy or salt therapy, the quality of the therapeutic factors such as microclimate, physical, chemical, microbiological, and up-to-date health and Balneotherapytourism.
There were also the experimental results in the laboratory on various diseases and the clinical, biochemical, immunological and other effects on patients with various diseases. Indications and contraindications, along with various methods of salt therapy in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with various diseases were discussed.
The public gathered lots of information about the clinical and functional efficiency of the speleotherapy and Halotherapy in the treatment of asthma bronchial asthma with varying control, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and other allergic diseases, pneumonia and acute respiratory diseases.
The influence of life in the nearby roadways and today's increased air pollution in diseases of the respiratory system and to eliminate the impact of these factors was a more interesting study. "Represented emission of organic chemicals, traffic sources by microparticles with increased systemic inflammation. are linked,"says the study. Long-term exposure to the salt helps therapy to strengthen the respiratory mucosa to allergens and maintains adequate hygiene across the entire respiratory system. Home salt therapy also stands for long-term exposure, chronic respiratory tract diseases.
Another interesting topic of the symposium was the anti-inflammatory and healing effects of salt therapy - aerosol therapy salt and saline baths - on skin diseases like eczema, Neurodermatitis, psoriasis, chronic skin rashes, burns and wounds.
Bronchial obstruction is known as a common symptom rock salt is considered as one of the most effective methods of treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and aerosols. The alkaline properties of ionic salts also have positive effects on the irritated esophagus and stomach lining.
This symposium underscores the many uses of salt therapy in respiratory diseases, skin diseases and balneotherapy.
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Bio: Well trained and motivated person, with a multicultural background with extensive knowledge of European natural health products and practices. Classical Homeopathy Hahnemann with advanced methods of homeopathy.
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